: Mother Earth News №12-1 (декабрь-январь 2010-2011) / US - 23 Ноября 2010 - Скачать бесплатно все!!!




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Главная » 2010 » Ноябрь » 23 » Mother Earth News №12-1 (декабрь-январь 2010-2011) / US
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Mother Earth News №12-1 (декабрь-январь 2010-2011) / US

АвторАвтор: funkylosik

|Голосов: 0 ДатаДата: 28.06.2024, 22:24

Название: Mother Earth News №12-1 (декабрь-январь 2010-2011) / US
Страниц: 117
Формат: PDF
Качество: хорошее
Размер файла: 49.9 Мб
Язык: английский

Описание: Mother Earth News показывает практическую и экономящую деньги информацию относительно сокращения издержек энергии; использование возобновляемого источника энергии


Grow $700 of Food in 100 Square Feet!
Edible-landscaping expert Rosalind Creasy reports on the incredible productivity of her 100-square-foot garden, showing that, if more Americans grew a little food — instead of so much grass — our savings on grocery bills would be astounding.

Glorious Heirloom Fruits and Vegetables
With its 2010 calendar filled with garden-fresh recipes and vibrant photos, the Seed Savers Exchange delivers an elegant celebration of garden diversity. This exclusive sampling of the calendar’s recipes showcases everything from green beans to honeydew.

Do-it-yourself Pole-barn Building
Add sturdy shelter to your homestead easily and economically using this pole-building technique. If you’ve never constructed anything large before, then a pole building is a great place to start.

Green Energy Breakthroughs
From smart grids to better solar panels, a world of emerging technology promises to help us produce more renewable energy and consume fewer fossil fuels. Here’s a rundown of five developments we think will make a difference in the near future.

Patagonia: Making a Profit and Meeting Environmental Challenges
Outdoor-clothing company Patagonia is known for its green products and sustainable business model. Founder Yvon Chouinard chats with us about the company’s history, environmental ethic, their recycled and recyclable outdoor clothing, and how they’re leading the way in environmental conscious business.


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